
    Important Judgments

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    Important Judgments
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    Order regarding Practice Directions Passed by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi (CMM(M) 3419/2024) Pdf (2MB) 22/11/2024
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    Judgement dt. 09.09.2024 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Criminal Appeal No. 2501/2024 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 6942 of 2024) PDF (4 MB) 23/10/2024
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    Order passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in case titled as “Satender kumar Antil vs CBI and ors” for necessary compliance for officers of DHJS and DJS holding criminal jurisdiction. (PDF 3.4 05/09/2024
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    Judgement dated 07.05.2024 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Criminal Appeal No. 2411/2024 (Arising out of SLP (Crl.) No. 3033 of 2024) PDF 04/07/2024
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    Judgement no. RL.MC. 4014/2024 and CRL.M.A. 15285/2024 dated 28.05.2024, passed by Hon’ble Justice Swarna Kanta Sharma, High Court of Delhi(PDF 1.6 MB) 05/06/2024
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    Judgment passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal No. 4296 of 2023, Yashpal Jain Vs. Sushila Devi &Others (PDF 2 MB) 04/06/2024
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    Judgment Dt. 22.05.2024, case title Munna Singh vs. State of NCT of Delhi W.P.(CRL)-1657/2024 & CRLM.A. 16152/2024 (PDF 1.5 MB ) 31/05/2024
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    Judgment dated 12.03.2024 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Crl. Appeal No. 1511 of 2024 [SLP (Crl.) No. 2874 of 2023] titled “Dablu Kujjur Vs. The State of Jharkhand” (PDF 3.2 MB) 24/04/2024
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    Notice bearing no. F.No. 16/CDSA/2024/2 Notification dt. 06.04.2024 regarding Designation as Senior Advocate (PDF 4MB) 18/04/2024
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    Judgment/Order dated 07.03.2024 passed by Hon’ble Ms Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma in Crl. M.C. 753/2024, titled Virender Chahal@Virender Vs State and Anr. (PDF 832 KB) 21/03/2024
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    Judgment/Order dated 28.02.2024 passed by Hon’ble Mr Justice Suresh Kumar Kait & Hon’ble Mr. Justice Manoj in Crl. M.A. 19717/2022, titled Ms. Sujata Kohli Vs Rajiv Khosla (PDF 406 KB) 21/03/2024
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    Judgment by Hon’ble SCI in Civil Appeal nos. 23-24/2024 [SLA (C) No. 8575-8576 of 23] titled “The State of U.P. & Ors. Vs. Asso. of Retired Supreme Court and High Court Judges at Allahabad & 17/02/2024
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    Judgment/Order dated 13.09.2023 passed by Hon’ble Ms Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma in Crl. M.C. 2159/2020, titled Rajan Devi Vs. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) & Anr.” 17/02/2024
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    Judgment/Order dated 13.09.2023 passed by Hon’ble Ms Justice Swarana Kanta Sharma in Crl. M.C. 2159/2020, titled Rajan Devi Vs. State (Govt. of NCT of Delhi) & Anr.” 16/02/2024
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    Judgment/Order dated 31.01.2024 passed by Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in Crl.M.A. No. 470/2023 in Crl.Appeal No. 1063/2016 titled “Michal Benson Nwaogu@Chuna Benson vs. State. (PDF 2.4 MB) 16/02/2024
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    Copy of order Dt. 10.01.2024 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Transfer Petition (Civil) No. 1957 of 2023, titled as “Shama Sharma Vs. Kishan Kumar” (PDF 1.6 MB) 08/02/2024
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    Judgment dated 21.12.2023 in Writ Petition (Criminal) No. 1542/2020, Court on its own Motion Vs. Union of India & Ors. (PDF 2 MB) 31/01/2024
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    Judgment dated 13.09.2023 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Civil Appeal Nos. 5529-5530/2023, titled “B.C. Nagaraj & Anr. Versus The State of Karnataka & Ors”. (PDF 2.5 MB) 31/01/2024
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    Judgement Dt. 04.11.2020 passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Criminal Appeal No. 730 of 2020 (Arising out of SLP (Crl) No. 9503 of 2018) titled “Rajnesh Vs. Neha & Anr.”) 22/01/2024
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    Judgment dt. 22.12.2023 passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in Crl. M.C. 9100/2023 & Crl. M. 33976/2023, titled as “vinod Kumar & Anr. Vs. State (NCT of Delhi & Anr.) (PDF )) 16/01/2024
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